yesterday Dawoon asked me if I could join him for the Kormarine 2013 today. My first thought was no, because of laboratory. But after thinking about it more and more I really wanted to go and so I thought about rearranging my experiments and just go.
Thats why I had to get up a little bit more early to check everything in the lab and then going strait to BEXCO (Exhibition hall center). That journey took me about 1 h, because it is at the other end of Busan.
Anyway arriving there I met with him in front of the building, where he and his co-worker arrived.
After getting my ticket and registration we entered directly and the adventure began.
Yes, there are our Exhibition-Passports :-)
Ah, and by the way... It is asia's largest marine and offshore exhibition!
It took 4 hours to check all the companies and all the different technologies the companies provided at the exhibition. Some were very interesting, some were (in our eyes) kind of lame kkkk The variety of all the technologies was really the limit!
There were kind of basic technologies like International Mobile Satellite Communication and Solution technologies.... They seemed to me just like big Wifi Router. Of course they have their own satellites and their own separated ocean ship online system, which makes this technology favorable, but for me its just cellphone technology :-)
Another interesting basic technology were some portable gas detectors. For example one detector is able to measure 5 different gases at the same time during online measurement by using electrochemical sensors. Some are even explosion-proof certified. 
There you can see some of the sensors.
This for us usual floodlight is able to UV wavelength and there is even a night vision option. I was kind of curious about this, because it was simple technology at first, but after getting all this information I was kind of surprised. In the end they got me after telling me that all this equipment works for a distance at least 4 km! So they can detect seaman in the water with an radius of 4 km! GREAT!
Here some posing with a golden shiff's screw.
And of course a lot of ships. Cargo ships, ships for super huge offshore platform element transportation and Luxury Liner.
One of the most interesting field was the offshore and subsea field.
There were a lot of companies which showed different technologies to make the platforms retain at the same position for a couple of years. Even to adjust these if the oil recourse is running dry. That was very interesting!
And of course there were a lot of hard/software provider for ocean navigation.
In the second hall there was a huge german area. Most of the provider I never heard of, but some were pretty familiar. Siemens, Bosch, MAN, DB Schenker and Liebherr were very familiar. Haha... At the BOSCH area I had to think of Robert kkkk and we even got a Polo-Shirt.
Anyway the most interesting technology was some kind of technology I never thought about. When cargo ships load their containers and they are not perfectly balanced they have to take some Ballast water into some tanks in the ship hull, to restore balance again. After shipping around the world and to get to their destination they just pump the water again into the ocean. But by doing this they pump all the animals, microbes, viruses, plankton and other stuff from e.g. Hamburg into the harbor of HongKong. Thats not very healthy for the ocean ecosystem. So nowadays they have to make sure, that they don't damage the aquatic environment. For that they use pre-filtration and UV-C to make sure they don't have any blind passengers on board.
Of course they also showed engines, cables, pumps etc... but that was not so super interesting.
It was a great day and I learned a lot about Shipbuilding and offshore technology....
And of course we got a lot of giveaways. haha!
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