Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014

Ghosty Hotel - Hotel Blönduós

Góðan daginn,

we arrived in the city called Blönduós yesterday around 6pm. After coming there we had to call the Hotel stuff to get them to open the Hotel for us.... We felt a little uncomfi, but it was not the first time for us to stay alone in a Hotel in Iceland.

From the outside the Hotel, and actually the whole village showed a very sad face. But when we entered we found something like a lost treasure. I thought, that this was a really expensive Hotel.... 50 years ago...

After the moment the Hotel staff left the Hotel (with all the villagers (there was a village meeting in the hall during the evening)) at 10pm we were alone in this house with all the rooms... and we had to sit in the hallway to get access to the only Wifi router.... After a while of making fun of it I got scared, of course....

Christoph just made fun of me, but we were out in nowhere in Iceland in a village having about 300 souls in a forgotten Hotel. I felt kinda insecure, because of all the movies I had to watch with John :-)
 At midnight I took a walk through the house, what didn't make it better...I even found a Wolpertinger in the main hall!
 Here we are at midnight having a Wifi meeting...
At some point Christoph caught me during push ups... you can do everything in an empty hotel :-)
 A little sign to leave!

The door in room #2 was open and of course Christoph had to check the inside... I was about to piss in my pants, but he just walked in, found a can of beer and an undone bed. 

All the noises in the house gave me a hard time to fall asleep, but nothing particular happened...
 Next morning the breakfast room was open just for us. And all the fears and ghosts from last night were gone....
But the house reminded me a little of my grandmas house.

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