Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014

Düsseldorf - Copenhagen - Oslo - Reykjavik... That's the plan!

Góðan daginn!
Yesterday my brother and me started our journey to Iceland!

The plan was taking the airplane from Düsseldorf to Copenhagen, then from Copenhagen to Oslo and then from Oslo to Reykjavik! So we visited a lot of scandinavian countries. But of course this connection was lot cheaper then the direct flight.

We boarded the machine in time... it was a seriously wonderful morning!

Time went by and we had to wait 30 more min in the airplane. We started to get nervous, because we just had 40 min to change the airplane. Then the pilot told us that we would be super fast and we would win 20 min again. Super safe, but because there was so much fog (just over the airport of Copenhagen) ... please check the picture underneath... everything was cloud free.... just the part with the airport was fully covered.... we had to fly in circles for 1h!!!!!!!

 So the airplane to Oslo was gone and in the end of the story the plane from Oslo to Iceland also. We went to the service center for transfer.
Hahaha.... we were not the only ones... it was totally chaotic! Hundrets of people wanted to get a new flight... First they told us to get a number... then we had to stand in line, than they made up a new line system....
At some point Christoph took his chance to push in and we just had to wait 1 hour. Then we had our tickets and got the next jet to Reykjavik direct flight.
 So 5 hours delay in the end and of course our luggage is still missing. 
 The only positive thing today was that we got an upgrade for our rental car! It is a Toyota Corolla! WUHUUUU hahaha

But with a very nice Radio! 
Our ride from Keflavik to Reykjavik was about 50 min. We found our bed and breakfast super easy, even without navigation system haha. We'll, lets hope that our luggage will come tomorrow haha 

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