Samstag, 21. Dezember 2013

Perfect ending - Club, Spa, food, new people, 1 old good friend, 1 oyster and 2pm!


one last time I will torture you with my adventures in Korea!

Like last time I spent the last day in Seoul with the one and only Mr. Ben Hur (Son Hjong)!

We met at Seoul station and both of us had a really big smile in our faces. We haven't seen since 1.5 years but it felt like yesterday.

Haha, I could copy the last post nearly, because we took my luggage to his friends restaurant and we had coffee at the same coffee shop. But then the plan changed!!!

 We walked around and after having a small walk (for making me hungry) we went to his friends restaurant to have dinner. It is an European style restaurant. I guess mostly italian food, but we also had Paella. It was amazingly good! I loved the atmosphere in the restaurant, the food and of course the fact, that I was able to store my luggage.

 After food we went to a little 2013 goodbye party... was the right motto I guess haha
 After the official part all the guys (including me) went to a korean restaurant with served mostly seafood kkkkk I even had an oyster. The Kimchi I ate it simultaneously was the best taste in my mouth haha
 During the celebration some people asked me how long we know each other and surprisingly we know for a long time.... Maybe for 3 years now. Incredible!
 Anyway, everybody was really friendly and I enjoyed the evening.

 Next stop was the first club. Mr. Ben Hur made up the plan to keep me awake the whole night to make me sleepy for the flight. I guess he did good... Till now I didn't close my eyes.... and I am at the airport waiting for my flight kkkk
 Haha, I guess John will recognize what kind of music they played haha 
 Next stop was a club with this cute entrance welcome. We partied kinda hard till we were too exhausted. It was 4 am and both of us had been up all day. 
 TO recharge a little we had street food.... Yes Haeyoung, please prepare for me :-)

 But the best part of the night was a new experience for me. We went to a Spa in the middle of Itaewon. Inside there were old people, young people all mixed. It felt kind of weird, but after party we went to relax there. We were laying on the heated floor next to maybe 30 snarking old korean men and some young party tigers. The Spa was even next to a club so that we were able to hear the beat of the songs. I liked to end my korean trip like this. 

It kind of represents korea perfectly. Traditional style in combination with the modern and young lifestyle everybody lives. 

A huge thank you my friend for sharing the night with me and for keep fighting the sleep!

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