Dienstag, 26. November 2013

김장 Kimjang celebration day with Seong Yong!


in these days koreans all over the country prepare their kimchi resources or the winter time.  They prepare seriously a lot of Kimchi!

Robert and Haeyoung always want to prepare Kimchi at John's and my home, because it is supposed to be a little bit smelly (because of all the spices).

On sunday I asked Seong when they will prepare... actually they did today, and I was able to join him and his family. 

So I worshiped Kimchi today!

I took the subway really early (too early kkk) to go to the very south west of Busan. His family's restaurant is located in Dadaepo, so kind of far away from my dormitory.

When we arrived I realized that there will be so much Kimchi to prepare kkk There were tons!!!

 And tons of red pepper sauce! There were two bigger tanks waiting for us.... 
 And thats what we did whole day haha... Take cabbage and fill it up with red pepper sauce... One time I got seriously a little tiny drop sauce in my eye... It burned so hard! 

 After we had done our duties we got fresh food from his mom. With Michael-Made-Kimchi kkkk so super yummy!

Thank you my friend for this really nice and korean experience and for the receipt... So maybe Robert and Haeyoung can come over one day.... 

And thanks to your family for all the food they gave me while leaving.... I think I can eat now one month kimchi and meat kkkk

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