last sunday night I guess it was Eggs-eve.... and I was the only person who didn't know.... maybe Ratchel didn't know either.... she was kind of addled too
Actually we asked Hoon to bring us to some place, and he acted like he didn't know where to go, I guess it was their plan to distract us before getting us all confused to the Egg - Place kkkk
When we entered it was like a normal korean restaurant, but once at the table they told us about the restaurants special...
Hoon just told us, very proud, pointing on the bowl of eggs..... UNLIMITED!
We were a little bit confused, but rolled with it.... for the first 10 eggs....

He was the egg master for the first two rounds of eggs kkkk afterwards Seong took over the chef position!

Ratchel did a good job mixing our rice :-)
Of course we had different kind of food on the table... Kimchi Chigae, pork, soup, radish bla bla bla.... but the biggest component, really dinner dominating component were the eggs....
There was even a high score board for the egg eating contestants.... high score was 129 eggs... unbelievable!
Anyway, after having a ton of eggs we rolled out of the restaurant
And the restaurants mascot just gave us a thumbs up for eating all the embryo chicken....
After having such a protein filled dinner we went for a cute beer bar :-)
And had lots of different Pabo beers... apple, grapefruit, lemon, Kahlúa, Vanilla, Strawberry and the best of all... Passion Fruit.....
The time we wanted to leave it rained for the 3 time since I am again in Busan... stupid rain....
Gregg night my friends!!!
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