today is already weekend time. It feels unreal, that I have been in Berlin until this Wednesday.. and now I am already working here at Shriners, setting up experiments, going to the gym regularly, having a new favorite coffee shop and even have friends over and participating at the regional festivals...

Julia and Oli came over all the way from Essen to Montreal. Unfortunately they arrived at the coldest day of my stay here.... -18°C during daytime... I guess that is ridiculous for canadian standards, but for us sensible germans it is really cold.... not to mention the wind. You feel the ice forming in your face. No fun at all. But at the same time it is the first day I am able to see the sky. No clouds in sight. Just clear blue sky!
After checking in their apartment and getting the needed food/supplements for 10 days in Montreal we left for some Pizza and afterwards for Lichterfest of Montreal. My colleagues were really thrilled about the "Nuit Blanche" - the "White Night" art and illumination installations all over the city.
From japanese yuppies with laser eyes at office buildings...
... to first sexy... then reloading churches....
to smoking and glowing cubes...
To the "Place des Arts"
A Winter slide... with a real ice slide
And a milk area.
You were trained to understand, why milk is so important and healthy kkkk And apparently you need milk to look cute as f**k
This lampion walk reminded me a lot of korea. I love it!
We saw a ferris wheel, standing next to an open air...
They really do this...curling.... Never saw it in live action. Was as exciting as expected haha...But because of the -20°C at night the people fled into heated igloo bistros!
Otherwise the super hot and spicy food trucks got frozen windows.
A trash canister elephant.
The attack of the giants... gigantic figures standing, laying and crawling on the roof of the "place des arts".
This one seemed like the golden laying buddha I saw in Thailand...
But this time the temperatures were around 50°C colder....
Anyway, it was a great first saturday. Even because Oli and Julia came to Canada. It feels more like home now.
Have fun with this colorful hypnotyzing machine!
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