Montag, 16. April 2018

Redpath Museum - McGill

as teased in the last post Bryan and me went to the Redpath Museum at McGill university. For students, as we are, is the entrance fee 0 CAD... After visiting I knew the reason haha....

 Here I met the original McGill fellow. He is basically the reason, why I lived now for 2.5 months in Montréal. I felt so graceful!
 After the short intercourse with Mr. McGill we arrived at the museum. 
 One Room, thats it!
 For sure it is a very nice room, but I still expected an inch more than that. 

 Triceratops head was made out of papier maché :-(

 My personal highlight was hanging at the ceiling. A pterosaur, apparently made from paper... basically a very huge pterosaur origami. 

 From the upper rank I found another surprise... a snake. Hated it!

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