Freitag, 7. August 2015

Intramuros - From a stronghold to the quietest place in Manila!


our last two days we spent in Manila, because in general I am a big fan of city tours. So I wanted to see what the capital of the Philippines can offer to a tourist, who is easy to satisfy. 

Besides the malls and the markets, which are a little bit too crowded with people there is an area in Manila, called Intramuros. This nearly magical place is surrounded by a thick wall, which served in former times as a stronghold and now to keep all the stress and noise outside.

Inside of these walls you find a lot of very cultural places. You find several schools, universities, churches, hospitals, gardens, antique stores and so on. 
 The first thing we explored was of course the wall, which is part of Fort Santiago. 
 While checking these places the sun tortured us with endless kisses. 

 I guess there is the only place, where you have so much space in Manila. Anywhere else it is just narrow and crowded.
 Here we have a very classy dormitory of the University of Manila.
 And here our ride arrived, which was supposed to take us around Intramuros, until John's eye started to pop out of his head and we had to stop the tour in order to go to the hospital. But no worries, everything is fine again. 

 Here we are at Manila Cathedral. Which is really beautiful. 

 Next stop was a garden, which was just embedded in the thick wall. 

 Besides the terror sun it was really relaxing going around without anyone screaming at you to buy something.

The following pictures are just images to give an expression of the traditional atmosphere in Intramuros.

 Wedding Bomber!

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