Sunday evening 8:45 pm and the weekend is not done yet. I am not sure if I am happy or sad about the fact, that I have to work late today... progress vs the weekend feeling... Anyway, it was an amazing weekend and it feels, like I had tons of free time, but in fact I worked Friday about 13 hours, yesterday 4 h and I will start working on some evaluations later tonight. Putting a name on it: it was a zero recovery weekend.

Friday night I was out with some coworkers for beer and burgers. It was amazing to see, that PhD's/Postdocs in research share the same passion / curiosity and struggles around the world.
Sunday evening 8:45 pm and the weekend is not done yet. I am not sure if I am happy or sad about the fact, that I have to work late today... progress vs the weekend feeling... Anyway, it was an amazing weekend and it feels, like I had tons of free time, but in fact I worked Friday about 13 hours, yesterday 4 h and I will start working on some evaluations later tonight. Putting a name on it: it was a zero recovery weekend.

Friday night I was out with some coworkers for beer and burgers. It was amazing to see, that PhD's/Postdocs in research share the same passion / curiosity and struggles around the world.
We left work around 6:30 to catch the train downtown.
Checking the different locations we ended up at the Pub, where I had my first Bison Burger, ever. Burger was tiptop, but Nick got the amazing idea to order some HotWings! These were that spicy, that he had to sign a form before eating, that he takes the full responsibility.
That is all he was able to eat in about 1 h. The pain gave him tears running down his cheeks, making him sweat all over and all out of sudden ... he was full... 1,5 chicken wings ... what a crazy diet.
For sure the Habs were playing that night, transforming that evening to the real Canadian afterwork, unfortunately ohne Ernst.
Saturday morning I got sun-kissed and I woke up super relaxed, ready to start into the new day, to go and transfect some cells.
So lonely on a Saturday in the lab...
But the view is still a nice distraction, while doing cell culturing.
After manipulating the cells I went off to meet Jason. To go and see the McGill Opera students Masters Exam in, you guess....opera singing.
Opera was nice, but going to the gym was giving me the real kick haha
The NautilusPlus is giving me back the balance every day...and if the gym does not help I will try to do it the Claudio-way. Coconut water. In fact I don't like it that much, but the design of the blue monkey coconut water drinks got me.
Coconut Power Up!
I guess it worked...
After that Power Boost I got ready to go for dinner with Jason, Bryan and Francis. Jason prepared for me and the other guys Korean food. OMG, best dinner ever!
We had General Tao (not Korean, but still amazing!), Kimchi Chigae, pig feet and so many other things!
The Soju gave us some buzz...
At night on my way home I came across this random, very sad, super small park. Just wanted to share...
Sunday was Nicolas time, 6 days after arrival we managed to see each other again to go out, working on our Vitamin D level. We had a freezing 3 hour walk and that is what we came across...
Art, snow, blue skies, squirrels, parks and of course a coffee to go.
Even the snow asks for summer... Montréal, you are killing me. Last year was way worse, but still. 0°C is not very pleasant for the end or march.
Now it is time for some histology evaluations!
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