today Elisa, Natalia, John and me went to Seokbulsa temple. For me and Elisa it has been the second time to visit that place, but still it was an adventure. Later that night we had dinner with Kelly, it has been amazing!
We slept pretty long today and left home around 12:30 pm. We got again, like every day a coffee from "The Liter" - yes, every morning 1 liter of Coffee Latte, iced! I love it! And some breakfast for sure!

Leaving Seomyeon for Mandeok station around 1 pm was maybe a little late, but still we did as we planned.
Arriving at Mandeok station we had to walk straight up the mountain through a construction site. Actually when Elisa and me walked that road we passed through a nice neighborhood. Everything was gone, we guess for more skyscrapers.
But after passing by the elementary school we finally entered the forests.
The way up the mountain too about 1 h.
Some gym in the woods.
Finally arriving at the temple.
Elisa and me tried to visualize the Gangsnam Style dance, in front of the representing Pagoda.
Snickers, und der Hunger ist gegessen!
Still having fun on our way home, which took just about 45 min.
On our way home we passed by the world famous Kikitata lake! AMAZING
In the evening we met with Kelly, first for chicken, then for japanese style food,and in the end korean Odeng (Fish cake) soup. Of course all combined with Soju!
Even sea food soup with a thousand year old egg on top. Natalia loved it...not!
Soju Sour! Nowadays Soju is mixed with different flavors!
Great place!
Last stop of the night has been the Korean Fish soup place! It has been amazing! For me personally best food until now on our trip. Even it has been very simple food I loved it!