we visited the Piton de la Fournaise today. It is a quiet active vulcano, which is actually not active this year :-(
Yesterday evening we drove to Bourg Murat to stay at a very woody Bed and Breakfast in order to get up at 4 am! Yes, that is what holidays look like!
We had to take the road of the vulcano for about 50 min to get to the starting point of our hike. We had to hike about 4,5 h for the round trip. That was not the problem, but the weather was a huge problem today. It was raining! The rain started when we drove to the vulcano and ended when we were on our way back to the car.
We had to hike through the clouds to get to the top of the vulcano. The rain was everywhere, underneath, above, in between and yes even in the underwear!
Anyway we walked and walked and walked.
The results of our walk can you check on the pics.
Anyway we were drying on the way back... the sun even kissed us 2-3 times!
Small vulcano, which was spitting magma last year.
Here on the mountain, seeing nothing!
But on our way back we saw a couple of rainbows!

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