some of you already know about the plan for Krithis Birthday Bash!
We want to organize a flashmob in the cafeteria ( Ground floor) at the 24th of March at the BCRT.
Here you can check the choreography and practice on your own, with your friends or kids!
Please don't tell Krithi about the flashmob, because it should be a surprise.
If you have any further question about the moves and groves for the dance you can send me (Michael) or Xeni an E-Mail.
After the jump you can check the choreography in front view, then you will have the chance to get a very nice explanation for every single step without music and then we will dance and you will see us from the back. So you dance exactly the way we will.
The date for the dress rehearsal (Generalprobe) will be revealed later. It will be in approximately 2 weeks from now on (around the 17-22.03.14).
Have fun!
Michael and Xeni